Ready, Steady ...


We are all looking forward to reopening the school on Tuesday 2nd June. Government advice (as it stands at the moment) seems very clear that a phased re-opening of schools is safe and we will act on that advice. Given the relatively small numbers of children in our school, we have sought and gained approval from the Department for Education to open THE WHOLE SCHOOL next week. So, if parents wish, all children at IGS: Durham can get back to school at the earliest possible opportunity.

Although we are convinced that reopening is safe, it remains important to be vigilant and act sensibly. Our Coronavirus Risk Assessment and related Policy can be found on this site (see Policies tab) and parents should read this carefully. This has been developed in consultation with staff and parents, draws on and adapts best practice and follows a range of published guidance as identified in the document.

Please read in particular the section in the policy relating to Drop-Off and Pick-Up protocols, which will be strictly enforced. In practice, this mean that parents, unless essential and by appointment, may not enter the school building. Miss Gray will be at the gate at the Claypath end of the passage to welcome you and you should be prepared to leave your child at that point. At the end of the day, we will be using the main church doors (leading directly onto Claypath) and there is a waiting area just outside if you require it. And remember, there are no after-school clubs until further notice, so school will finish each day at 3 pm.

Remember too that uniform will not be worn until further notice. This is to ensure that clothes can be washed overnight (not so easy if that includes a blazer!).

We understand that some parents will still be hesitant to send their children back to school, and we respect their right to make that judgment. Their children will continue to be supported through remote teaching. The level of support will continue to be very good (as it has been throughout lockdown - see parents’ comments below) although as we have made clear we cannot guarantee that it will be at quite the same level in coming weeks as teachers’ time will now be divided between the classroom and Zoom, WhatsApp etc.

We understand that Mr Johnson will be announcing the government’s latest thinking on schools later this week. At the moment, it does not feel as if the essential plans will change, so we are working towards a Tuesday reopening (Monday being a staff-only day to ensure school is 100% ready). Nothing is quite certain, however, and Mr Gray will contact parents directly if plans change.

But, all things being equal, we hope to be welcoming many children back on Tuesday.