Memory Challenge ... it's elementary


We all remember the prodigious feats of memory from the likes of Lily Middler and Sofia Tarsitani last year - memorizing counties and county towns, Kings and Queens etc. All very impressive.

The latest “MGMC” - Mr Gray’s Memory Challenge - is even more demanding.

To win a substantial (ok, fairly substantial … well, actually if we’re honest quite a modest) prize, students must learn the whole periodic table. That is quite some feat - not only do you have to recall Praseodymium and Rutherfordium, Molybdenum and Seaborgium - but you have to get them all in the right order. All 118 of them.

And … we have a winner! Rebeca Lopez-Escudero (Rooks) got it 100% today with only a couple of hesitations. Two others, Chloe and Elisha, made valiant attempts and will no doubt get there in the end. Both faltered somewhere between Rubidium and Zirconium (understandable, I’d say). They will be back … prizes still available to all-comers.

STOP PRESS … (15 May) … Sure enough, Chloe Lopez-Escudero and Elisha Willcocks (both Rooks) raised their game overnight, remembered exactly where Palladium, Rubidium, Dysprosium and Astatine came, and completed the challenge. Rebeca, Chloe and Elisha all win a valuable voucher, to be presented in Assembly on Friday.