The Independent Grammar School: Durham


This policy covers the refund of school fees in the following circumstances.

1.         Registration Fee

The registration fee is not refundable.

2.         Withdrawal of pupil whose parents have paid a full year’s fees up front

By making an upfront payment of fees, parents are indicating a degree of commitment to the school at least for the year in question. 

All cases are covered by the terms to which parents agree when they sign the school’s entry form before their child starts at IGS: Durham.  This requires a full term’s notice, given no later than the first day of the term in question.  If a full year’s fees have been paid, and a full term’s notice is then given (for whatever reason) as described above, there will in some cases be an overpayment of fees for the year and the school undertakes to make that refund (subject to paragraph 4), less any money owed by parents for clubs, activities, trips etc., within three months of the pupil’s leaving date. 

3.         Withdrawal of a pupil whose parents have paid more than one year’s fees up front

Parents occasionally pay several years’ fees in advance, and in that case refund arrangements are set out in the agreement signed at the time by parents and school. 

If a pupil who falls within this category is permanently excluded, the school will refund any unused full years’ fees.  Exact amounts will be calculated in the way set out in the signed agreement.  Part years will not in these circumstances be refunded.  Refunds will usually be made within three months of the pupil’s leaving date. However, if the outstanding period covered by the prepayment exceeds two years’, the school reserves the right to make refunds in annual instalments over the remaining period.

4.         Permanent exclusion of a pupil

If a pupil is permanently excluded no fees will be refunded (other than as described in paragraph 3).

5.         Withdrawal of a pupil where part-payment has been made for school trips

In all circumstances involving the withdrawal of a pupil, a full refund of all instalments paid (e.g., for a residential trip) will be made within one month of the pupil’s leaving date.


IGS: Durham

July 2024

Next review July 2026