We are extending the consultation process on our provision of RSE (Relationships and Sex Education). Parents have access to the consultation page via the Parents tab above. We will issue a password to all parents later today.
The new guidance on teaching RSE was initially planned to come into effect in September but has now in effect been delayed until summer 2021. This is partly to enable schools to carry out proper consultation, which has not really been possible in recent months. Our approach to consultation and the associated timescales are shown in our RSE Policy.
Consultation is an important part of the way schools are required to deliver RSE with effect from next summer and we will therefore take it very seriously. Parents’ views matter and we want to hear as much from you as possible. Please let us know what you think. To help you to think through the issues, we have uploaded a number of documents to the RSE Consultation Area. These are:
· Relationships Education & Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy
· Religious Education (RE) Policy
· Schemes of work for: EYFS and Years 1-6, showing proposed RE and PSHE content (PSHE is Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education)
· Curriculum Plan for Years 7 and 8 (“Lower School”) as submitted to the DfE as part of our application to extend to aged 13.
The statutory and advisory aspects of RSE are contained in the government guidance document which can be found at:
You can also find helpful information here:
Relationships, sex and health education: guides for parents - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Lots of reading … but please do make sure you understand the issues so that you can use the brief window available to air your views and opinions.