We have the go-ahead ...!

We are delighted to say that our “material change” request to increase our capacity and our age range has today been approved by the Department for Education.

Any significant change to an independent school has to be approved by the Department. When they receive a request, they usually commission Ofsted to carry out a material change inspection. This was carried out in May and the report can be found here. The aim of this kind of inspection is to determine whether, if the requested changes are implemented, the school is “likely” or “unlikely” to meet the relevant independent school standards.

Our request was to increase our age range from 4-13 to 4-14 and to increase our capacity to 95. This in practice means that our Year 8 students can continue with us and we are able to admit more pupils.

In due course, we will submit another application to increase our age range to 16 .

This is good news and represents another significant step forward in our plans.

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