We conducted our first full parental survey last month and can now as promised summarise the results.
This is what parents said:
100% of you would “enthusiastically” recommend us to other parents.
100% of you said you had never encountered, nor heard of, any bullying at IGS: Durham
100% of you said that the teaching here was “excellent”
100% of you told us your child either “couldn’t wait to come to school” (73%) or was “happy to come to school”
80% of you felt the leadership of the school (Principal & Board Members) was “excellent”; 20% said it was “good”
80% of you thought we communicated “very well indeed” with you; 13% said “quite well”; and 7% said they had one or two issues with how we communicate
80% of you said that your child’s progress at IGS: Durham had been “excellent”; the rest of you felt your child’s progress had been “good”
73% of you said that your experience so far “exceeded your expectations”; the rest of you felt that we had “lived up to your expectations”.
These responses are encouraging, and we will seek to build on them in future. The areas where we could do better will be addressed.
As a school, we are delighted that every one of our parents believes: that their child’s progress is at least good; that bullying is simply not part of our school (although we remain vigilant, of course); that teaching is excellent; and that they would enthusiastically recommend us to others.
It is worth noting some of the comments made by parents as they completed the form:
“We are thrilled by the academic and social progress as by the diversity of what is taught. We cannot recommend this school highly enough”
“… is thriving in a school with such great pastoral care.”
“The quality of teaching is exceptional; my child is read with every day and (his/her) reading has improved a whole year in just six weeks”
“The variety and depth of learning in science, history, PSHE and technology in particular have been extraordinary”.
“We feel able to contact and be listened to at any time”
“I particularly like the ethos of the school with a strong emphasis on behaviour”
“We couldn’t feel happier as parents”
There were also a few comments about communication, which we have tried to respond to immediately.
We will repeat the survey, and track our progress, in a few months’ time.