Advisory Group

IGS: Durham Advisory Group

We have established an Advisory Group and its first meeting was held on Tuesday 5th March. 

The group exists to provide the school with an external perspective on a range of issues which impact school life.  The parents who are part of the group are volunteers who put themselves forward for membership; external advisers have been invited by the School Board on the basis of their experience and interest in the school.  Membership is as follows:

Representing the School Board

Mr Chris Gray (Principal and Chairman of the Advisory Group)

Professor James Tooley (Chairman of the School Board)

Dr Barrie Craven (Member of the School Board)

Parent Advisors

Mr Thomas Bates

Mrs Alice Brown

Mr Sam Herbert

Mrs Emy Straker

External Advisors

Mrs Dorothy Manning

Mrs Corrymella Scott

Mrs Judith Wallace

Mr Ian Wallace

The role of the group is advisory rather than executive; it has no legal or official standing of any kind; and its main contribution will be to advise and act as a sounding board, suggest ideas, offer specific expertise and identify issues which in its opinion need to be brought to the attention of the Principal. 

At its first meeting, the Group considered how each member could contribute to the school, and in particular thought about marketing the school and ways to improve current practice.  This was helpful and several of the ideas generated have already begun to be implemented and will hopefully become evident in the very near future.

C J Gray
