IGS: Durham is working in conjunction with Civitas to launch a Saturday morning Civitas School in Durham starting on 7th November. Civitas is a registered and well-known charity and runs several such schools in London. Ours will, we understand, be the first outside the capital. Although we do not run or operate the school, which is administered and funded by Civitas, we are very happy to offer our support.
Civitas Schools are aimed at children from Year 3 to Year 6 who have for whatever reason fallen behind in English and Maths. There will be two classes of no more than 10 children each. This is a charitable project and the only cost to parents is a fee of £2 per week. The school runs from 9 until 12.30 every Saturday in term time. It is not an official “school” as such, only teaches Maths and English and is not inspected. Civitas do, however, follow a rigorous curriculum, insist on high standards and adopt stringent safeguarding practices.
The school will operate in Simeon House, next door to IGS: Durham, and we are grateful to the trustees of Christchurch Durham for allowing Civitas to rent their facilities. Mr Gray, Principal of IGS: Durham, is working with Civitas to manage this project and will be in attendance along with two teachers.
This is being advertised to IGS: Durham parents first, so you have an early opportunity to reserve a place. Several of our parents have already done so. The experience of Civitas in London is that places fill up very quickly through word of mouth and they now have long waiting lists for many of their schools.
We are delighted to be supporting Civitas in this very worthwhile project which will enhance the lives of many children in Durham. If the demand is there – which we are sure it will be – we will certainly consider recommending a second school, possibly during the week after normal school hours.