String Orchestra taking shape...

As many of you know, our ambition at IGS: Durham is to have a String Orchestra of the highest possible quality, involving every child in the school. When a child joins us, he or she receives a violin, free weekly tuition in small groups from Jo Keithley and Nao Hasegawa, and their very own place in the orchestra.  

After only a few sessions post-lockdown, the orchestra was able to stage a brief performance yesterday and the video is now on the website. As I have said before, parents need to exercise a little imagination at this early stage in the orchestra’s life - and I would once again invite you to “watch this space” as the orchestra develops over the years. 

The keen-eyed among you might notice that some of our newer children are playing a revolutionary instrument which we believe could transform the world of music. It consists of a block of wood and a spoon.

I hope you enjoy the video.